Proven to Outperform

Among many other city initiatives currently in progress, CoolSeal has most notably been put to the test by the City of Phoenix, Arizona, as part of their Cool Pavement Pilot Program and Los Angeles’ Cool Streets LA. The results—CoolSeal is proving to be the best choice, and only fully-green choice, for cities seeking heat relief, energy savings and innovative, long-term solutions.

Application in Action

Cool Pavement Pilot Program

In 2020, the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department and Office of Sustainability teamed up with Arizona State University (ASU) researchers to begin the "Cool Pavement Pilot Program," aimed at cooling down neighborhoods and saving energy costs. To launch their program, CoolSeal was applied to 36 miles of neighborhood roads and a parking lot. Due to overwhelmingly positive results, Phoenix now boasts over 120 miles of CoolSeal city wide and cool pavement is now a permanent part of the Street Transportation Department's street maintenance program.

"A single degree Fahrenheit reduction in air temperature during the summer could save residential ratepayers about $15 million per year in avoided air-conditioning costs"

David Sailor

Director of the Urban Climate
Research Center at ASU

"I have found the results of our pilot to be enormously encouraging,” she says. “We are seeing neighborhood-level cooling that you can feel."

Kate Gallego

Phoenix Mayor

"We’re cooling our city and heat-proofing our city to ensure that we’re prepared for extreme heat in the face of climate change"

Krista Milne

Chief Heat Officer,
Melbourne, Australia

Reflect, Protect and Preserve

How It Works

Reflective Formula

Coolseal's unique formula, which is made with recycled materials and free of harmful chemicals, is designed to convert solar heat / harmful UV rays into other forms of light, interrupting  heat absorption.

Temperature Reduction

This reflection of sunlight directly reduces the surface temperature of the pavement, often by 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit under certain conditions, making it cooler to the touch and the surrounding area more comfortable.

Urban Warming and Heat Island Mitigation

By lowering pavement temperatures, CoolSeal contributes to reducing ambient temperatures and the urban heat island effect, which is the temperature disparity between urban areas and their rural surroundings.


CoolSeal leverages eco-friendly materials to cut waste and toxic emissions, enhancing community life by cooling the pavements, which extends their life, reduces upkeep costs, and fosters more sustainable urban infrastructure.

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CoolSeal at Work

Get the latest updates on cooling communities and creating change.


Cool Communities, Healthy People: CoolSeal's Webinar Series

CoolSeal’s “Cool Communities, Healthy People” Webinar Series connects experts and communities with strategies to combat extreme heat and protect public health.
August 28, 2024
min read

Understanding Mean Radiant Temperature

Learn more about Mean Radiant Temperatures and the environmental benefits of CoolSeal sealcoats.
August 7, 2024
min read

JULY WEBINAR: Heat Waves and Health: What You Need to Know

CoolSeal's July Webinar featured insights from experts Dr. Melissa Guardaro and Dr. Caleb Dresser on managing extreme heat and climate-related health hazards.
July 23, 2024
min read


Find answers to commonly asked questions about CoolSeal's innovative asphalt sealcoat.

What is the Cool Pavement Pilot Program?

The Cool Pavement Pilot Program was created by the City of Phoenix Office of Sustainability, the Street Transportation Department, and Arizona State University (ASU) with the goal of improving the livability of the city by cooling down neighborhoods and reducing energy costs.

How is CoolSeal by GuardTop involved in the program?

To launch the program, CoolSeal by GuardTop was applied to 36 miles of neighborhood roads and one public parking lot in the city of Phoenix in 2020.

What have the study results shown so far?

In a virtual presentation and panel discussion on September 14, 2021, the City of Phoenix released the results of the first year of this innovative program. The study, performed by scientists at ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, Healthy Urban Environments, and the Urban Climate Research Center, found that the reflective pavement surface temperatures of CoolSeal by GuardTop are considerably lower than traditional roadway pavement. Cool pavement coating reflects a higher portion of the sunlight that hits it, and because of this higher reflection, the coating has the potential to offset rising nighttime temperatures in the region.​ ‍ So far, the study has revealed that the nighttime air temperature at six feet of height was on average 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit lower over cool pavement than on the non-treated surfaces. In addition, cool pavement had an average surface temperature 10.5 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit lower than traditional asphalt at noon and during afternoon hours. Sub-surface temperatures averaged 4.8 degrees Fahrenheit lower in areas treated with cool pavement, too.

Has cool pavement been used anywhere else in the world?

With this pilot program, Phoenix now has the most cool pavement in North America. Los Angeles, California is following in its footsteps, with Mayor Eric Garcetti recently kicking off the next phase of his ‘Cool Streets L.A.’ program, which will bring 200 blocks of cool pavement and nearly 2,000 new trees to eight neighborhoods across Los Angeles. CoolSeal also has a large presence in Australia, with a total of roughly two million square feet of cool pavement applied. Australia has benefited from reduced ambient temperatures and has led global efforts in going green with cool pavement.

What are sustainability benefits of mitigating urban heat islands?

Reducing surface temperatures and mean radiant temperature can lead to less energy use in the summer. Planting more trees and increasing vegetation cover, green spaces, and rooftop gardens helps absorb carbon dioxide, as well as protect against erosion and reduce stormwater runoff. Using surface materials like CoolSeal, which incorporates recycled materials in its formula and is free of polymers, hazardous volatiles, and carcinogenic additives, provides additional environmental benefits.

How effective is CoolSeal in reducing heat in urban areas?

CoolSeal reflects 30% more sunlight and lowers surface temperatures by 10-16℉, compared to uncoated asphalt. It can lower surface temperatures by up to 20℉ as compared to black-coat asphalt. It also lowers subsurface temperatures by nearly 5℉, resulting in long-lasting surfaces that reduce maintenance needs and save on costs.

How long does CoolSeal last and how does it compare to conventional sealcoats?

Our special blend is designed to be resistant to cracking and wear and tear. Properly applied, a two-coat application of CoolSeal can last twice as long as conventional sealcoat and require less maintenance.

How can CoolSeal help with long-term cost savings?

Because CoolSeal lasts longer and provides stellar protection for asphalt, property owners and communities can make the most of their asphalt investment and save money over time with fewer repairs and longer cycles between asphalt replacement.

How does CoolSeal contribute to environmental sustainability?

CoolSeal is manufactured with recycled materials and doesn’t use fossil fuels like tar coal or bitumen. It’s been proven to lower surface temperatures by an average of 12 degrees Fahrenheit during peak afternoon heat, as compared to traditional products. This cooling effect not only creates more comfortable environments, it can help decrease energy demand, which is associated with lower associated air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, when applied correctly, CoolSeal lasts twice as long as conventional sealcoats and increases the longevity of asphalt, thus reducing the cycle of asphalt replacement and waste.

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